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President's Welcome

Kelvon Hansen


As we commence our 40th year of the Friends of Fine Arts and Communication, I’m delighted and honored to continue serving as the 23rd President, embarking on my fifth year in that capacity!  I rest on the shoulders of many passionate individuals before me.  The “Friends” are a group passionate about the College of Fine Arts and Communication at Texas State University and the students who aspire to make a difference in the world through the arts and communication.  We’re committed to growing our scholarship endowment, enabling more students to pursue their education in the arts and communication.  This isn’t possible without the dedication, talent, and gifts brought forth by its membership.  When a student receives a scholarship it’s not simply an award to hang on their wall, or the desperately needed money for them to achieve their dream of a college education, it’s a message that says, “Someone believed enough in me to invest in my future.”  By becoming a member of the Friends of Fine Arts & Communication you’re not only investing in their future, you’re investing in the future of our world!


Yours in service,

Kelvon Hansen